Friday, July 16, 2010

Gifts from God

Join me as I hear from a few first grade students after they visited the GFG (Gifts from God) store, where they spent their hard earned GFG bucks (money they earn for completing devotionals and from coming to Bible Club) and tell us what they bought.

Damien- “Beach towels for the pool, and a game to play with my sister.”

Grace- “Bat and baseball for my sister cause she loves baseball, baby rattle for my mom, a hat for my dad and perfume for my grandma.”

Eli- “Tennis balls, cause I play tennis.”

Olivia- “Football for my dad, clips for my mom, a notebook for my aunt, clothes for my baby cousin and for my baby niece and a baseball for my brother CJ.”

Each time I witness the 1st graders shop I am always blown away when they tell me what they bought mostly because over half of the things they purchase are for other people! It takes me back to thinking about a goal that City Impact has, take a look at the last line because I think it goes right along with what these little 1st graders are doing.

Servant Leadership & Strengths Development
-Children will know and understand their personal strengths.
-Children will explore and use their strengths in a variety of contexts.
-Students will actively demonstrate love and kindness through words and actions.

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Bible Sandwich

I fear I have not told you much about the wonderful worship coordinator City Impact has for Bible Club! Well to get you caught up a bit, her name is Miss Bethany and she is a student at the University of Nebraska—Lincoln. We have been so blessed to have her part of the Tuesday night team. Mrs. Bethany is very kind, sweet and so gentle with the students. As I mention sweet to you, it reminds me of a little story I wanted to share with you all about worship the other night.

Mrs. Bethany has such a fun way of introducing and explaining topics to the young students of Bible Club. A few Tuesdays ago the students were learning about getting our answers from the Bible and during worship Mrs. Bethany decided to play off of this a bit. She had a table up at the front of the fellowship hall. On the table was a bag and in the bag were different food items. Miss Bethany began talking to the students about things we receive from Gods word; she was talking specifically about the whole Bible in general. She proceeded to hold two pieces of bread up, which were to be the cover of the Bible. She went on to pull out of the bag things like a can of frosting, which she named Hope and then spread the frosting onto the bread. Then she sprinkled on top of the frosting some sprinkles, which she called comfort. After the Bible sandwich was completed, Mrs. Bethany called for two volunteers to try it. Two students eagerly tried the sandwich and when asked how it tasted they both agreed that it was very sweet and probably the best sandwich they ever had! Mrs. Bethany went on to explain that God’s word gives us all we need. It is so sweet; it is not bitter nor is it sour.

Not only was I tickled to watch the students eyes as they watched the Bible sandwich being assembled, I was pleased with the analogy Mrs. Bethany used to make God’s word come alive in a way the students could relate to. What person doesn’t want to think of the Bible to be as sweet as sugar!