Thursday, April 9, 2009

Insight from Reroute

Perseverance. It is a necessity for anyone with a love for children. It is a trait that I have sought with eagerness. It would be simple to write about a small glimpse at a child’s growth, but instead I want to share my faith in the fact that children are long term investments.
I stared working with children under the expectation that a few hours a day with a child would yield immediate- all encompassing results. However, over and over I watched hours of my time working with children one-on-one evolve into nothing. One child in specific is still struggling with an obedience issue she has had for almost four years.
Don’t get me wrong- God has changed countless children at City Impact and through his grace I have seen passion ignite in young hearts. However, I have seen many children who never seem to progress – some which seem to fall away into themselves.
In this, God has challenged my distraught soul to see His works on this earth are more than my “instant gratification” eyes see. I have talked to life-long teachers, including my own mother. She reassures me that every second of investment in a child is time well spent. Children take perseverance and understanding, that God – not you - will work in His time and His time only in their lives.
I can only be a tool- I pray to be used by God to change lives. And as for those whom seem to remain stagnant – I pray for the faith that they will one day hear God’s call.
-John Keeney, Reroute Coordinator

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