Monday, June 15, 2009

Zodell's new shirts

Last week at Bible Club I had the opportunity to witness a very precious moment. It was the 2nd graders from Mrs. Sheri’s classroom who had the privilege to shop at the GFG store, and one 2nd grader in particular was surprisingly not too excited about this. The 2nd grader I am speaking of is Zodell, and what a lively young man he is!

According to Ms. Lindsay, Zodell’s 2nd grade small group leader, he was having trouble finding something he could buy from the GFG store. Finally after some searching through the store with Ms. Lindsay they came upon the clothes section. Zodell found two shirts and was so excited he had to try them on right then and there. I was drawn to the clothes section because of all the excitement. I heard laughter and then saw smiling faces, and Zodell basically cheering because he was so excited about his new shirts.

Now, when I use the word excited, it does not really do justice to the way Zodell really felt and the way he was acting! He was not afraid to express his excitement and told Ms. Lindsay that he was so happy he wanted to cry, and he was going to “rock” the two shirts.

I was overcome with joy watching Zodell celebrate his new shirts, but the thing that struck me the most is when I heard Zodell say “ooooo this makes my heart feel warm”. When I asked Ms. Lindsay to tell me a bit about her experience shopping with Zodell she told me that she picks Zodell up for Bible Club every week and she thought getting those shirts really was special for him.

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