Thursday, July 9, 2009

5th Grade Boys- Getting in the Word

One thing I really appreciate about City Impact is their passion for children to learn and be in God’s word. Each Bible lesson is centered on verses or chapters in the Bible. The theme of Tuesday’s lesson was encouragement, and the 5th grade boys were going to be reading in Exodus 17:8-13.

Mr.”C” (or Dick Countryman) asked the boys to turn in their bibles to Exodus and as they were turning he asked them if any of them were familiar with “sword drills”. Now I know this had nothing to do with the lesson at hand, but it turned into a time of teaching and excitement. Eli seemed to be the only one familiar with the term "sword drill" so Mr. C went on to explain that when he was younger he used to participate in sword drills at church. A sword drill is done to get children/people familiar with scripture placement in the bible. Mr. C said that people will throw out a verse and you will have to find what book of the bible it is in. I looked over at Ahmaad and his smile was ear to ear, he raised his hand and began to squirm in his chair. Then he exclaimed, "I got it, I memorized a verse!” He went on flipping through the bible to find it. Mr. C decided to move on with the lesson as Ahmaad looked up his verse. So, they went on to discuss the verses in Exodus and encouragement.

When they were finished Mr. C asked Ahmaad to give them the verse that he had memorized and so he did. Ahmaad began by saying "In the beginning was the word and word was with God and the word was God". All the boys scrambled to find the verse, at first everyone thought it was in Genesis but after more searching they found it was in John 1:1. I was so thrilled to see those boys getting excited about finding verses in the bible that I became the one smiling from ear to ear.--Evian Schindler, Youth Program Communications Coordinator

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