Thursday, October 1, 2009

3rd graders learn what it means to really worship God

Beginning something new (like the new semester in a new building) can bring about many different challenges. It is so nice though, that all the Bible Club staff and leaders can team up to bring unity to the classrooms by remembering our mission of bringing God’s transforming hope into the lives of our kids.

The first room I visited Tuesday evening was the 3rd grade room and what a lively bunch they were! After the children were assigned their seats Mrs. Sheri began talking to the students about how important it is to learn “give me 5”, she went around the room asking students to list the 5 components that are used to put together “give me 5” and each student who raised his/her hand did an excellent job answering correctly. I was very please to see how well the students were answering Mrs. Sheri’s questions and how respectful they were while others were talking.

When Mrs. Sheri was finished talking about the importance of “give me 5” she began passing out little baggies of potato chips to each student, and she told them they could start eating them right away. While the students were eating their potato chips Mrs. Sheri stood up in front of the class and read a book on the fruits of the spirit and emphasized how God thinks it is important for us to possess these qualities. At different spots during the reading of the book Mrs. Sheri went over to her glass of water and took some big sips, mind you the students are still eating their potato chips with no water anywhere to be seen on their tables. Mrs. Sheri made a few comments about how thirsty she was and how good the water tasted.

Now by this time I could feel my own mouth watering from watching all these students eat salty potato chips with out drinking any water! While continuing on with their eating, Mrs. Sheri introduced a new version of Jesus loves me to the students and they listened while they finished up their chips. I could hear students here and there asking why Mrs. Sheri got to have water and they began to wonder why they weren’t getting any water. When the song was over Mrs. Sheri asked the students what they wanted the most right then and they all said water! While Mrs. Sheri passed out water she asked “even though you were learning about Jesus you were really thinking about having water?” Mrs. Sheri then had the opportunity to talk to the students about “real worship” and when you are really worshiping God you are thinking “only” about Him. She emphasized how it can be difficult to do at times, because of other distractions. But God still wants us to spend time thinking only about Him, adoring only Him when we worship.

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