Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Hear from leaders and volunteers as they share a highlight from this fall!

I asked the volunteers and leaders to give me one highlight from this fall so far, and here is what they said.

“Daniel was sent to reroute the previous Tuesday, we ate dinner in reroute , just had one on one time, discussed other options to help him get along in class. Today Daniel was sent to reroute, all he wanted to talk about was eating dinner in reroute with me as he said he enjoyed out one on one conversation last week. I share with him I was glad he enjoyed our visit but he should not want to hang out in reroute.”

“I really enjoy when the students understand the Bible stories and can tell you the meaning.”

“The class has come together and everyone seems to get along.”

“After the chaos of the 2nd week, it has been encouraging to see the students become more disciplined.”

“I would have to say that growth in the kids has been tremendous. They are really sharing thoughts and ideas and really seem to be internalizing concepts. It has been a delight to be in the new Church and to be with the kids.”

“A highlight is that a 3rd grader didn’t think he could pray and he was encouraged to try and he did wonderful.”

“ I am inspired each week by the growing knowledge of the word that my group of girls brings to Bible Club each week.”

“Normally Tuesdays are very stressful for me and at the end of the afternoon I feel like not doing anything, but once I get to Bible Club all my energy comes and I feel happy and fortunate to serve in this place.”

“Watching the students respond to the structure and guidance given to them. Their desire to “give up” control.”

“ I am always amazed at the kids honesty. When we talk about goals they are so honest about relationships, problems, who they fight with, etc…This gives us opportunity to discuss these situations and how to handle them better, and with Jesus help.”

“Sharing the gospel with two if the kids in our class, and hearing from them about their decisions at camp to follow Jesus.”

“Getting to know the kids and leaders, seeing kids respond to direction.”

“ I was glad to see that almost all of our kids came back this year, and that club is continuing to grow in the new building.”

“ I think the excitement the pre-k room has about coming to Bible Club and how they remember the previous weeks lesson.”

Friday, November 13, 2009

Bible Club Devotionals

Adryanna -Pictured on the left.

Macey -Pictured on the right.

Matthew 2: 1-12
1-Jesus was born in the town of Bethlehem in Judea during the time when Herod was king. After Jesus was born, some wise men from the east came to Jerusalem.
2-They asked, “Where is the baby who was born to be the king of the Jews? We saw his star in the east. We came to worship him.”
3-When King Herod heard about this new king of the Jews, he was troubled. And all the people in Jerusalem were worried too.
4-Herod called a meeting of all the leading priests and teachers of the law. He asked them where the Christ would be born.
5-They answered, “In the town of Bethlehem in Judea. The prophet wrote about this in the Scriptures:
6-‘But you, Bethlehem, in the land of Judah, you are important among t he rulers of Judah. A ruler will come from you. He will be like a shepherd for my people, the Israelites.’”
7- Then Herod had a secret meeting with the wise men from the east. He learned from them the exact time they first saw the star.
8-Then Herod sent the wise men to Bethlehem. He said to them, “Go and look carefully to find the child. When you find him, come tell me. Then I can go worship him too.”
9-The wise men heard the king and then left. They saw the same star they had seen in the east. It went before them until it stopped above the place where the child was.
10-When the wise men saw the star, they were filled with joy.
11-They went to the house where the child was and saw him with his mother, Mary. They bowed down and worshiped the child.

Day 1
1. Read Matthew 2:1-12 --- it’s okay to get some help.

2. Who are the people in this story? Make a list of every name you can find.

A: Herod, Jesus, Wise Men
M: Jesus, Herod, Mary, God, Israelites, Priest, teacher, king, wise men

3. Where does this story happen?

A: Bethlehem, Judea
M: Town of Bethlehem, Judea

Day 2

1. Read Matthew 2:1-12 again ---remember it’s okay to grab some help.

2. What happens in this story? Tell in your own words what this story is about.
A: This story is about baby Jesus and the way he was born. Well Jesus was born in a town called Bethlehem, Judea. These wise man came to worship Jeus. But, then King Herod had a secret meeting with the wise men. The wise men saw the first star. Then, King Herod sent them to go and find baby Jesus.
M: Jesus was born, all of the people of Jerusalem were worried he would become King. Wise men had also came looking for Jesus. When herald saw the wise men he told them that when they found this new king to report it to him. He said he would come and worship him to. So they went and found Jesus. They gave him presents. Then while they sleeped God gave the wise men a warning.

3. What did the wise men do when they saw the baby Jesus?

A: They filled up with joy. The wise men went to the house where baby Jesus was. When they saw him with his mother mary they bowed and worshipped him.
M: They bowed and worshipped him.

4. What 3 gifts did the wise men bring for Jesus?

A: Gold, Frankincense, and myrrah
M: gold, frankincence, and myrrh

Day 3

1. Read Matthew 2:1-12 one more time --- and grab some help if you need it.

2. What is one thing you learned from this story?

A: What Jesus could do to people and why they worship him
M: Never trust anyone you don’t know. And to trust god no matter who says to do the opposit

3. The wise men bowed down and worshiped the baby Jesus. What is one way that you can worship Jesus this week?

A: Respect my friends and teachers
M: by praying and worshipping him like the wise men did

Monday, November 9, 2009

Meet Kylea

Kylea is a 3rd Grader here at City Impact’s Bible Club and also at Belmont Elementary. Her favorite colors are black and red, and she loves macaroni and cheese and Dominos cheese pizza! She has 2 sisters and 1 brother, and her favorite thing about Bible Club is shopping at the store “cause you get to buy things”. One thing she is really good at is reading and riding a skateboard. When asked “what is one thing you have learned about God since you have been coming to Bible Club”, she answered “that he is unstoppable!” If Kylea knew she only had one more day to live she would “spend all my money on food, and visit family members”.

Monday, November 2, 2009

1st graders write goals about self control

Usually, I would write up journal entries for you all to view separately. This week for the 1st grade class I decided it would be best to write them all in one lump sum, because for this particular journal entry Mrs. Jamie (1st grade leader) had the students write on the same topic. The 1st graders were to write one sentence in their journals and draw a picture which would describe their entry about self control.

I will share what each of the 1st graders wrote for their sentence on self control.

Damian- “Be patient when you want to play.”

Avery- “O bay your mom.”

Olivia- “Obey your dad.”

Javier- “I will stop kicking my feet.” (This particular evening Javier was having trouble keeping his feet still under the table, and he thought it would be good self control to stop.)

Zahria- “Obey your teacher.”

Miranda- “Be patient win others are in line.”

I always learn so much from the little ones whose belief in God seems to come so naturally. It was so precious to see these little 1st graders take this seriously and I was so proud to see them make an effort to write out a sentence, even though some of it was not grammatically correct.