Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Hear from leaders and volunteers as they share a highlight from this fall!

I asked the volunteers and leaders to give me one highlight from this fall so far, and here is what they said.

“Daniel was sent to reroute the previous Tuesday, we ate dinner in reroute , just had one on one time, discussed other options to help him get along in class. Today Daniel was sent to reroute, all he wanted to talk about was eating dinner in reroute with me as he said he enjoyed out one on one conversation last week. I share with him I was glad he enjoyed our visit but he should not want to hang out in reroute.”

“I really enjoy when the students understand the Bible stories and can tell you the meaning.”

“The class has come together and everyone seems to get along.”

“After the chaos of the 2nd week, it has been encouraging to see the students become more disciplined.”

“I would have to say that growth in the kids has been tremendous. They are really sharing thoughts and ideas and really seem to be internalizing concepts. It has been a delight to be in the new Church and to be with the kids.”

“A highlight is that a 3rd grader didn’t think he could pray and he was encouraged to try and he did wonderful.”

“ I am inspired each week by the growing knowledge of the word that my group of girls brings to Bible Club each week.”

“Normally Tuesdays are very stressful for me and at the end of the afternoon I feel like not doing anything, but once I get to Bible Club all my energy comes and I feel happy and fortunate to serve in this place.”

“Watching the students respond to the structure and guidance given to them. Their desire to “give up” control.”

“ I am always amazed at the kids honesty. When we talk about goals they are so honest about relationships, problems, who they fight with, etc…This gives us opportunity to discuss these situations and how to handle them better, and with Jesus help.”

“Sharing the gospel with two if the kids in our class, and hearing from them about their decisions at camp to follow Jesus.”

“Getting to know the kids and leaders, seeing kids respond to direction.”

“ I was glad to see that almost all of our kids came back this year, and that club is continuing to grow in the new building.”

“ I think the excitement the pre-k room has about coming to Bible Club and how they remember the previous weeks lesson.”

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