Friday, January 29, 2010

Meet Kiara

Kiara is a pre-k student who attends Bible Club almost every Tuesday and attends Kindergarten at Belmont Elementary. Kiara’s birthday is June 30th and when asked what her favorite color was she said “red and pink, black is my favorite color, oh and white, purple and brown, I know I like colors!” Her favorite food is macaroni and cheese and all kinds of fruit oh and “those really big (showing me with her hands) things from McDonalds”, which later I found out from her sister are chicken sandwiches. Kiara has two little brothers and two sisters. I asked Kiara to tell me one thing she thinks she is good at and she said “well I am good at saying words”, and I asked what do you mean and she said “like cat, and I can spell it too, its easy C A T.” Kiara loves to sing songs at Bible Club and one thing she has learned about God is “that he died for our sins, that’s pretty much it!” If Kiara knew she only had one more day to live she said she would say “let’s go swim at the YMCA”.

Friday, January 22, 2010

Meet Miss Mandy (2nd grade teacher)

Mandy was raised in Norfolk, Nebraska where she lived with her mom, dad, and two brothers. Mandy’s favorite color is green and something interesting that you may not know is Mandy loves to eat Sushi! Mandy really enjoys working out, going to the movies, traveling, reading, and being with friends and family in her free time. Mandy considered getting connected to City Impact’s Bible Club when her friend, Stephanie (who also works at City Impact), mentioned there was a need for help. Serving with City Impact is not Mandy’s first experience working with urban youth. She has also worked at Sun Dawgs, a summer camp in Omaha. She has also been a part of a mission trip to Kingston, Jamaica where she worked with children. Mandy shared that she really loves the excitement she feels from the kids each week when they come to Bible Club. Mandy is currently the 2nd grade teacher for Bible Club and has been with City Impact for a year. Mandy’s heart really shines through while teaching these young children. Mandy is very patient with the children and I just love sitting in on her class and watching God work through her.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Impact Journal from Linda

God helped me finish my chors. I had lots of chors to do but I got them done.

I showed kindness to my friend, sister, brother, and mom, and dad, by doing the stuff he tells me to do.

I showed love to my friend when she has a bad day by hugging her she felt better at last she felt much, much, better.

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Hear from Bible Club students as they talk about worship

Each week the students learn a lesson on something important; something they can use in their every day lives this particular evening they learned about worship. Now you see earlier in the year Mrs. Ashley made it a point to go a little deeper on the topic of worship and teach the children a bit more about what it really means to worship God. If you ask any BC student what worship means they will tell you “worship means thinking only about God.” There is a verse in Psalms that really helps us look at praising and worshiping God the verse that the 4th graders went over was Psalm 103:1-6. Tonight’s lesson expanded on the subject of worship, lets see what some of the students from different classes had to say about it. I asked each student “what did you learn tonight”, and how will you use what you learned in your own life.

Macey (4th grader)-

1. “ During worship you should only be thinking about God and
nothing else.”

2. “By whenever we have worship I will only think about God and
nothing else and when I start to think of something else I will
remember that I am worshiping Him.”

Kaprice (5th grader) –

1. “I learned how we should worship God and how we should pray
and respect Him and ask for forgiveness, and at worship we
need to focus on God”

2. “Whenever I am praying I am going to work on keeping my
head bowed cause sometimes I look out at other people.

Javier (1st Grader) -

1. “To always say thank you to God.”

2. “Pray, say I love you.”

It is so fun to hear what the students have to say about what they learned. From the looks of things they are really listening!