Friday, August 13, 2010

Special Moments

It just so happened that the last time the 5th graders met for Bible Club there were no 5th grade girls, but there were 2 student volunteers, Cecily and Amber who are both 8th graders at the Impact Leadership Academy. When it came time for the Bible Lesson and talk sheets, Mr. C took the two 5th grade boys into the room next door and the student volunteers stayed in the classroom with Mrs. Renee. Let me tell you, I was thinking to myself, “Oh great! Another lost opportunity for a story!” With much hesitation, I decided to stick around. I was not sure what the girls were going to do, until I saw Mrs. Renee hand each one a talk sheet and a Bible. I really appreciated Mrs. Renee’s fervor and “go get it” attitude. There was never a question as to whether or not they would be going over the 5th grade lesson; frankly I thought they would just talk about miscellaneous topics not related to the Bible Lesson. I am so glad I stuck around because the conversation produced from the lesson was wonderful. They read together verses out of different books of the Bible on the topic, restraining yourself, to be more specific. They talked about things like gossiping and holding your tongue. Each one talked about a situation they had run into in the past week where they did not restrain themselves. Then they talked about how next time they could do better. One of the verses towards the end of the lesson about the tongue prompted the two girls to be very open about their own personal lives. They shared with Mrs. Renee about their fears of going to High School in the fall and about some things in their home life. Talking about these things led Mrs. Renee to ask the girls if she could pray with them and the issues they are facing in life right now. What a sweet moment I was able to witness, and I know Mrs. Renee will not forget the time she shared with these two very special girls. It was wonderful to see God working and I am so thankful that something in me was telling me to stay in the classroom that night, boy what an opportunity for a story I would have missed if I would have left!

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