Thursday, January 15, 2009

The 2nd grade classroom is filled with energy and excitement every Tuesday evening at Bible Club. This young group of students is the opposite of shy when it comes to speaking in front of the class. Although filled with energy, the 2nd grade students did a wonderful job praying to their Heavenly Father.

After the classroom leader, Sherri, explained to the students that God’s people can pray anywhere and about anything, the students were asked to circle up for prayer. Zodell, a 2nd grade student, prayed about being sad because his dad died, but Zodell asked God to be with him. Karis, a 2nd grade girl, prayed that her aunt would come to know God. When the prayers were finished, Sherri gathered the students together and told them how excited God is to hear their prayers. She also reminded the 2nd graders that it is acceptable to pray anywhere, at anytime, and about anything. God loves to hear His children pray.

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