Wednesday, January 14, 2009

At City Impact we believe in our youth. We believe like all people, that they were created in the Lord's image and that they are destined to do great things as kingdom laborers! We love getting our youth involved with the planning and development of our programs! We also value equipping our youth with the skills they need to succeed.

It isn't always easy to expect great things from kids and teens, especially when they don't see in themselves all the wonderful things you do. This year we have really witnessed some awesome moments though, as our youth discover the strengths and gifts they have to offer the world.

One way we have witnessed this is through our teen volunteers who help out at Bible Club! Tyree, who has grown up through Bible Club and is now a 9th grader at the ILA, is a strong leader with our younger kids. He helps run and develop worship, leads small group studies with 2nd graders, and helps set up and lead activity based bible studies!

Crystal is another ILA teen who has been part of the City Impact Family for a long time. She is so fun to watch at Bible Club because she really raises the bar with the 4th graders she volunteers with. She helps them cultivate a culture of kindness and love by having high expectations for them.

Tyree & Crystal are just two of the dozen or so teens who volunteer at Bible Club. The Lord has transformed their hearts and they are now Christ's ambassadors, bringing Jesus to our younger students!

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