Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Beautiful Turn of events...

It has been so wonderful watching our teens grow and mature as young people, as they volunteer with the elementary students at Bible Club. There is just something about serving the younger kids that melts the hearts of our teens, and through that special leadership opportunity their confidence to shine for Christ grows.

Last night at Bible Club, Mercedez, one of our teen volunteers, had to walk a misbehaving student out of class and up to our reroute room. Let me give you some back ground on this unique situation. Two years ago when I started at City Impact, Mercedez was struggling with following directions, listening to adults, and showing kindness and sacrificial love while at City Impact. Mercedez has always had a great outgoing personality, but she was still learning when it was and wasn’t appropriate to “woo” her peers. She ended up in reroute often last year, so she could learn positive ways to express herself. Most of the time she would get very bent out of shape going there too! Let me just say it was never a smooth transition getting her from class to reroute; negative comments were made & eyes were rolled! However, Mercedez will now proclaim that the time she spent in reroute really paid off. One year later, and she has decided to give her life to Christ and is a strong leader at both Bible Club and the Impact Leadership Academy.

So you can imagine what it must have felt like for Mercedez to be on the other end last night, actually walking a student to reroute! It was so sweet watching her walk the angry and crying 2nd grader up to reroute. Mercedez was saying things like, “I know just how you feel, but don’t worry it’s only reroute!” and “it will be really good for you, and you’ll only have to be in there for a little bit” and “I’ve been there lots of times, and its not so bad!”

After Mercedez dropped off the student and was heading back to class she said, “Gosh, Miss Ashley, taking students to reroute is hard! How do you do that?!” And I just looked at her and replied, “It gets so much easier when I see the work God does in someone like you.”

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Black History Celebration

City Impact's annual Black History Month Celebration is coming up next week. This year we are paying tribute to young African American Heroes. Each class at Bible Club was an assigned a special project to contribute to the event. The 3rd grade class is in charge of designing a display board, and they chose to use their display board to honor Ruby Bridges. Ruby Bridges was a 1st grade black girl from New Orleans, who was the first kid to integrate in an all white school. Despite death threats and all the white kids in class dropping out, Ruby went to school every day! The 3rd graders were so inspired by her story and courage they decided to write notes of encouragement to her to put out with their display board. When they discovered that Ruby Bridges was still living, they eagerly agreed to send their notes and display board to her after the event! Below is one of those special notes written to Ruby Bridges:

Dear Ruby Bridges,

You are amazing, talented and a brave woman. You have done something I would never do. So small, but so brave.
-3rd Grade Student

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

4th Grade Prayer Time

Every Tuesday evening, at Bible Club, the 4th grade classroom circles together to spend time in prayer. Watching this class come before the Lord is so special, because at the beginning of the school year they were visibly uncomfortable praying: laughing, joking around, or not saying anything at all. Now, the 4th graders are beginning to see that talking to God is an important part of having a relationship with Him. Prior to prayer time recently, La Monica, a 4th grade student, suggested that during outward prayer the students could pray for each other to do well on their state wide writing test. Outward prayer is when students pray “out” of their own lives about a variety of different situations they need God’s help with. The students anxiously agreed and expressed their worries about the writing test. (The following day LPS was conducting the state wide writing test to 4th graders.) Each student prayed for the person sitting next to them, asking God to help their classmates successfully complete the state wide writing test. What a beautiful thing to watch young people lift one another up in prayer!

Friday, February 6, 2009

3rd Grade Stamp

Dear GiGi,

You are such a good friend. I am so glad you are in my class! You are really nice.
Love, Teagan – Bible Club 3rd Grade

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Impact Journal Entry

I promise my Grame and Gramp that I will respect others and rake leaves. So I did it and they gave me 5 dollars and put it on my chore money. Then they changed it to 10 dollars because on conference night my teacher told my Grame that I got all my work done and I was being nice to others. So I got a smelly sticker and I got a brass out of the treasure box. I got all of my chart full. My sticker had a smiley face on it. It smelled like bananas and the color was yellow. It was in October and I got to pick out a pumpkin from the pumpkin patch. I went on the hayrack ride, but I got scared and started to shake so I moved seats and sat by my Grame and Grandpa.
-Mickela, Bible Club 3rd Grade