Thursday, February 5, 2009

Impact Journal Entry

I promise my Grame and Gramp that I will respect others and rake leaves. So I did it and they gave me 5 dollars and put it on my chore money. Then they changed it to 10 dollars because on conference night my teacher told my Grame that I got all my work done and I was being nice to others. So I got a smelly sticker and I got a brass out of the treasure box. I got all of my chart full. My sticker had a smiley face on it. It smelled like bananas and the color was yellow. It was in October and I got to pick out a pumpkin from the pumpkin patch. I went on the hayrack ride, but I got scared and started to shake so I moved seats and sat by my Grame and Grandpa.
-Mickela, Bible Club 3rd Grade

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