Tuesday, February 10, 2009

4th Grade Prayer Time

Every Tuesday evening, at Bible Club, the 4th grade classroom circles together to spend time in prayer. Watching this class come before the Lord is so special, because at the beginning of the school year they were visibly uncomfortable praying: laughing, joking around, or not saying anything at all. Now, the 4th graders are beginning to see that talking to God is an important part of having a relationship with Him. Prior to prayer time recently, La Monica, a 4th grade student, suggested that during outward prayer the students could pray for each other to do well on their state wide writing test. Outward prayer is when students pray “out” of their own lives about a variety of different situations they need God’s help with. The students anxiously agreed and expressed their worries about the writing test. (The following day LPS was conducting the state wide writing test to 4th graders.) Each student prayed for the person sitting next to them, asking God to help their classmates successfully complete the state wide writing test. What a beautiful thing to watch young people lift one another up in prayer!

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