Friday, May 8, 2009

Atia's Faith

Recently during Bible Club, the 5th grade classroom discussed how God made all of us to reflect Him and how He lives in each one of us. The students and small group leaders discussed that if God wants his people to reflect Him, then we should act like God wants us too. During the middle of the lesson Atia, a 5th grade student, shouted “If you let God in your heart, then you have to act like God wants you too. Even though the nonbelievers don’t believe in God, they are still His children.” Mrs. Wanda, the Classroom Leader, reinforces that Atia is absolutely correct. Mrs. Wanda tells the students that God loves and forgives all of us; believers and nonbelievers.

After the lesson, I was curious to know were Atia had learned how important it was to act like God wants us too. She responded, “I don’t know. Well…actually, I learned it from my Precious Moments Bible my mom gave me when I was 3 years old.”

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