Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Meet Daniel

Daniel is a lively boy who attends City Impacts Bible Club faithfully. Daniel is in the 3rd grade and attends Hartley Elementary school. He really loves pepperoni pizza and his favorite color is blue. When I asked Daniel if he could tell me one thing he has learned about God he told me this “God is cool”. Daniel really likes to race, I asked him what kind of racing and he said he likes to race people. Daniel has one older sister, 1 dog Delany, and 2 hamsters named Wubzee and Snowball. Daniels favorite thing about coming to Bible Club is being able to learn stuff about God. I asked Daniel what “stuff” he has learned and he told me “say nice things to Him”. I was really glad I got to spend those short 5 minutes getting to know Daniel better.

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