Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Goal: Spiritual Development

Goal: Spiritual Development

• Youth will come to know Jesus Christ as their personal Savior.
• Youth will develop into mature followers of Jesus Christ.

Ever since Mrs. Anna introduced journals to the BC students some have been on fire completing them every week! To mention one specifically, Milandra has turned in her devotional every week and on top of that she has turned in extra journals. Not only has she turned in her devotionals and extra journals, she has completed each with well thought out answers. I have been very impressed my Milandra’s willingness to fill out and bring back her Devotionals so much that I wanted to hear what she feels she is learning from this experience. Milandra shared with me this “I feel good and proud of myself for doing them!” I also asked Milandra why she does the devotionals and she told me that she really likes to read and she completes them when she has time. Finally, I asked her what she feels God is showing her through this, and she said “I learn more about Him and he tells me more about Him.” All in all I am so thankful that Milandra is taking time each week to be in God’s word. I once heard someone say “time in God’s word is never wasted time.”

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