Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Goal: Servant Leadership & Strengths Development

-Children will know and understand their personal strengths.
-Children will explore and use their strengths in a variety of contexts.
-Students will actively demonstrate love and kindness through words and

Teaching students to use their individual strengths has been something that the volunteers and staff here at Bible Club encourage weekly. Not to mention Mrs. Anna (Youth Development Director) has been working with each classroom teaching them how to recognize their individual strengths that God has given them.

As I sat in with the 1st grade classroom last week, I was pleased to notice Zahria using a character strength of hers. If you know Zahria, you would know that she is one little ball of fire! She is always dancing, singing, and talking to anyone and everyone. Zahria is usually in tune to what others need, and often times I find her helping. If I remember correctly the character which best represents Zahria is the Lion, which makes sense especially in the situation I witnessed in the 1st grade classroom. The students were working with Miss Jocelyn (Youth Bible Club Volunteer) to find verses in 1st Peter. Let me tell you, it is so cute to watch all the little ones open up a Bible to search for books and verses. Zahria noticed that Javier was having a bit of trouble finding the book Peter. She took charge like a Lion, but ever so gently said, “You need some help? Its back in the back.” She then proceeded to help him thumb through the pages until they came to Peter. Javier did not mind one bit that Zahria knew where the book Peter was and he didn’t. In fact, he was the first one to offer to read the verses out loud.

I learned quite a bit about humility while visiting the 1st grade classroom, and I really want to use it more in my own faith because I know God calls us to be like children in this way.

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