Thursday, June 3, 2010

Personal Responsibility in the 5th grade room

A few weeks ago before worship Mrs. Wanda (5th grade teacher) came to me very excited and wanted to tell me two things which she thought were “blog worthy” and boy was I excited!

Mrs. Wanda explained that during class one of the girls spoke up and told everyone that in the past week she had lied and she was asking if it was ok. The reason she had lied was to get into a party at the Light House. You had to be in the 6th grade to get in, so she lied and said she was. Mrs. Wanda was very excited because this brought about an opportunity to teach about being honest and how important it is to God to be honest. After the talk she was not ready to ask God to forgive her because she still did not think what she had done was really wrong. Later on the class was praying their inward prayers and when it got around to this particular 5th grade student she spoke out loud and asked God to forgive her for lying to get into the Light House party.

Not only was Mrs. Wanda excited to tell me about her student’s realization, she also said that this student does not usually pray out loud in front of the class. With all that said, it was the 5th grade girls turn to serve the food and so Mrs. Wanda asked if she could have a girl volunteer to pray for the food and with no hesitation the same girl who had spoke up earlier raised her hand and volunteered to pray out loud.

It was so fun to hear Mrs. Wanda’s excitement when she was telling me what had happened in class that night.

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