Monday, March 15, 2010

4th graders shows responsibility

Goal: Personal Responsibility

* Students will learn and demonstrate appropriate social skills.
* Students will take ownership for their behavior.

The 4th grade activity on Tuesday night consisted of some very small confetti. After one group had finished they began to drop the confetti on the floor, it went all over covering the area with little pieces of black confetti. Just as the students had dropped the confetti Mr. Mike (volunteer small group leader) from the other team told the students to keep the confetti in their hands and to not drop it on the floor. You should have seen the faces on the students who knew they were immediately guilty of dropping that confetti on the floor, priceless! To my sweet surprise (without being asked) the students who had dropped the confetti immediately got down on their hands and knees and began to clean up the confetti. Joshua (4th grade student) even went and found a broom and after all the students had returned to the classroom he was out in the hall sweeping up the last few pieces of confetti.

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