Thursday, March 18, 2010

Pre-K showing love to others

The oh so cute Pre-K students are currently learning about the Easter story. They are talking about God dying for our sins and what an act of love it was that He did this for us. I spent a few minutes asking the Pre-K students what one thing they could do in the next week to show love to others just like Jesus showed love in the story they talked about.

Mariah- “Give my brother a big hug.”

Maliah- “Help my mom by cleaning up the living room and our bedroom.”

Jamiah- “Help my mom clean up the living room.”

Alejandra- “Help my brother clean up his room.”

Libby- “Help my sister make her bed.”

It is always so fun to sit with the youngest students of Bible Club because more often than not you get honest answers and that’s that!

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