Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Meet Mr. C

I grew up in northern Illinois with 4 older brothers. (5 boys, no girls!) From grade school through college, my Dad and his brother owned a dairy farm, so while we lived in town, we spent a lot of time working on the farm. My Dad’s side of the family has a German heritage, and Mom’s side is from Sweden. My parents and grandparents were all followers of Jesus, so I’ve always been part of Bible teaching churches. Growing up, we attended the First Evangelical Free Church in Rockford. I attended and graduated from Trinity College with a bachelor’s degree in Biology, which is where I met my wife Debbie. We were married in 1979 and have lived in northern Illinois, western Illinois, Lincoln (twice) and suburban Philadelphia. We have one child, Zach, who is graduating in early May from Oklahoma State with degrees in Aviation Sciences and Economics. He’s getting married two weeks after graduation, so we have an exciting, busy spring ahead of us!

I don’t really have a favorite color, I like all of them! My favorite food is filet mignon and in my free time I love to read, watch sports and spend time with friends. I was connected to City Impact when I was asked to join the ministry’s resource team in April 2004, and then served on the Board of Directors from 2004-2009.

Past experiences like growing up in a church with an active Youth Group, and going to a Christian college where investing our time, talent and treasure in the kingdom was part of the program have lead me to volunteer at a place like City Impact Jesus plainly told us to love God with all our heart, soul, mind and strength and to love our neighbor as ourselves (Matthew 22:36-40). Working with the kids, families, staff and the board of directors at City Impact are all practical steps of obedience to what Jesus’ commanded (John 14:15).

I have many favorite memories from volunteering at City Impact. To name a few, I loved the summer outings to Saltdogs games with the 5th grade Bible Club kids, to small group time talking about the relationship Jesus wants us to have with Him.

I have been with City Impact since 2004 and I am currently a table leader/small group leader, spending time with our 5th grade boys.

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