Friday, February 26, 2010

4th Grade Prayer

Upward, Inward and Outward prayer is something done frequently at Bible Club. I really enjoy hearing these young children pray out loud because not only does it build their confidence in praying in front of a group of people, it also teaches them about the realness of God. Hear what some of these precious 4th graders had to say to God.

Prayer is usually always started with upward prayer. The students may begin this with:

God I praise you because…

Michaela- “You are wise and our creator”

Oralia- “You are the King”

Linda- “You love me”

Next is Inward prayer, which starts like this:

God I am sorry for…….will you please forgive me.

Daddiz-“Yelling at my cousins and being rude”

Joshua-“Being mean to my brothers”

Oralia-“Not doing what I was told”

To finish things up, the students focus on Outward prayer. During this time, students pray for a prayer request they may have.

Madisyn-“Help my sister get through the rest of her life and get what she needs.”

GG-“Ask for prayer for the people in Haiti.”

Oralia- “Help my mom and her ankle heal up quick.”

That was just a little taste of what goes on during prayer time in the 4th grade room. To add another note to this, I really enjoy when the 4th grade class prays because they all come together in one big group to pray.

Thursday, February 25, 2010

A few weeks ago before worship Mrs. Wanda (5th grade teacher) came to me very excited and wanted to tell me two things which she thought were “blog worthy” and boy was I excited!

Mrs. Wanda explained that during class one of the girls spoke up and told everyone that in the past week she had lied and she was asking if it was ok. The reason she had lied was to get into a party at the Light House. You had to be in the 6th grade to get in, so she lied and said she was. Mrs. Wanda was very excited because this brought about an opportunity to teach about being honest and how important it is to God to be honest. After the talk she was not ready to ask God to forgive her because she still did not think what she had done was really wrong. Later on the class was praying their inward prayers and when it got around to this particular 5th grade student she spoke out loud and asked God to forgive her for lying to get into the Light House party.

Not only was Mrs. Wanda excited to tell me about her student’s realization, she also said that this student does not usually pray out loud in front of the class. With that said, it was the 5th grade girls turn to serve the food and so Mrs. Wanda asked if she could have a girl volunteer to pray for the food and with no hesitation the same girl who had spoke up earlier raised her hand and volunteered to pray out loud.

It was so fun to hear Mrs. Wanda’s excitement when she was telling me what had happened in class that night.

Monday, February 22, 2010

Impact Journal

What is one thing God helped me do lately, that I didn’t have to do, which showed kindness or sacrificial love to others?

I have prayed a lot this week. I have been praying a lot about the kids and people of Haiti. I feel so bad that that tornado hit. I hope they get water and food.

I have been trying to be a leader this week. Trying to stand up for myself and others and being people’s friends that don’t have many and being as nice as I can.

Today I’ve been giving complements and trying to be people’s friends even if their not the people I would pick out to play with all the time and I’ve been trying a lot to give complements.

Written by Teagan (4th grader)

Friday, February 19, 2010

Love and Kindness

I am always so pleased to watch the 1st graders learn, partly because Mrs. Jami has a wonderful way of teaching and partly because of the understanding that seems to come from these little minds.

On Tuesday the 1st graders started class reading a book called “The best thing is love”, now the verse for the night was Matthew 5:47 and topic of the lesson was speaking of kindness and the book talked about loving others. Mrs. Jami does a wonderful job of using the books she reads to ask questions to get their minds thinking of the topic. Mrs. Jami asked the class “who might God want us to be kind to?” Grace raised her hand and said parents, Damien said our family, and Avery said everybody. Mrs. Jami also asked How can I be kind?

Avery- “Say thank you, and listen to the teacher.”

Nadier- “Helping people.”

Damien- “Respect mom and dad.”

The reading of the book and the questions all lead into the game they were going to play for the night. This game was a fun one and quite cute to watch! The point of the game was to put this statement into practice “when we love God we can show Him by being kind to everybody”, just like what Avery had said earlier. Mrs. Jami explained that there were 3 people (baby dolls) who needed some kindness shown to them and they were going to have to make the choice to help or walk on by. The first person fell down and was hurt, they could stop and put a band aid on her if they wanted to show kindness, the second person fell in a puddle of dirt and to help they had to pick her up and wipe her off, the third person looked different her face was covered with stickers and to help they would need to show kindness by saying a kind thing to her. Although hesitant at times (especially when it came to the baby doll sitting in applesauce) each 1st grader decided it was important to help the 3 people by showing them kindness. And let me tell you it was so sweet to watch.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Meet Linda

This is Linda’s second year here at City Impact’s Bible Club where she is a student in the 4th grade classroom. Linda attends Hartley Elementary during the week. Linda has lots of siblings many of whom also attend Bible Club or the Impact Leadership Academy. Linda’s favorite color is pink and she really loves McDonald’s French fries. Linda really enjoys writing personal narratives. One thing she has learned about God this year is, “To not sin because if you sin you could get apart form Jesus and God”. Linda’s favorite thing about Bible Club is, “Learning about God because I don’t really know much about Him and I want to learn more”. If Linda knew she only had one more day to live she would use that day to spend time with family.

Friday, February 12, 2010

Volunteer Efforts

Goal: Servant Leadership & Strengths Development
Children will know and understand their personal strengths.
Children will explore and use their strengths in a variety of contexts.
Students will actively demonstrate love and kindness through words and

If any of you know Miss Mercedez you know that she is very bubbly and fun to be around. Mercedez attends the Impact Leadership Academy on Sunday evenings and she also helps volunteer in the 3rd grade room on Tuesday’s at Bible Club. On Tuesday, I noticed that Mercedez was not looking like her usual upbeat self. I didn’t pay too much attention until later on that evening when I saw her again still looking like before. It just so happened that we walked out of the 3rd grade room together towards the fellowship hall and I asked her if she was doing ok. Mercedez told me that she had been sleeping prior to coming to Bible Club and she just really didn’t want to come. I looked at her and said but you are glad that you came now, right? She just looked at me and smiled.

Later on during worship Miss Bethany (worship leader) asked if she could have some help up in front to lead the actions to the songs they were about to sing. Without any hesitation Mercedez got right up in front and started dancing away with the other children. Even though I did not directly ask Mercedez, I could really tell she had overcome her own feelings of not wanting to be at Bible Club that night to serve others.

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Hear a little tidbit from Mr. C who is a volunteer in the 5th grade classroom on Tuesday evenings for Bible Club.

Goal: Spiritual Development
Youth will come to know Jesus Christ as their personal Savior.
Youth will develop into mature followers of Jesus Christ.

“Last week Mrs. Wanda was telling the kids about the importance of doing our Bible Club devotionals. I wondered if the kids understood how important it was to regularly spend time with God in order to know Him. So I asked a question, “How many times a week do you study math?” The kids answered “Everyday”. And how many times a week do you have reading?” The kids answered, “Everyday”. So I said it’s the same way with getting to know God. We need to spend time with Him every day in order to get to know Him – and that’s why our City Impact/Bible Club leaders encourage us to have regular devotion time with God between our Tuesday night time together.”

Monday, February 8, 2010

Bible Club Highlights

Some of my favorite things to write up for the blog are the highlights because they come so unexpected and are very fun to witness.

Throughout Bible Club on Tuesday all the students were learning about this verse in Philippians 2:3-4 “Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit, but in humility consider others better than yourselves. 4Each of you should look not only to your own interests, but also to the interests of others.” The following highlights unintentionally reflect this verse and show that the students really do listen when it comes to learning about what the verses each week mean.

During the 4th grade small group time Samantha (4th grade student) saw that G.G. (4th grade student) was having trouble finding the Bible verse which Mrs. Mikki (4th grade classroom volunteer) had asked them to look up. Without saying anything Samantha got up off the couch knelt down by G.G. and very kindly took her Bible and helped her find the verse.

In the second grade room, the class was getting ready to go down to the fellowship hall to play their game for the night when Malachi asked “Could someone help me tie my shoe?” Without any hesitation, both Jordan and Noah got down on the ground and each one took one of Malachi’s shoes and tied it.

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Meet Trevon

Trevon is a first time 2nd grader this year at City Impact’s Bible Club and attends Hartley Elementary. Trevon celebrates his birthday on November 29th and his favorite colors are blue, green, and black. Trevon has one younger brother and one brother who is the same age. Trevon loves to eat Ramen noodles and his favorite kinds are beef and chicken. Trevon is really good at running and he has a big dog named Red. His favorite thing about Bible Club is worship “Cause you get to sing”. If Trevon knew he only had one more day to live he would spend it eating ice cream!

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

You've been STAMPED!

From: Carlos (5th grade student)

To: Jordan (2nd grade student)

“Dear Jordan you are such a great brother you always tell me funny jokes, Sincerely CJ.”

From: C.C. (Middle School volunteer in 4th grade classroom)

To: Mikki (4th grade classroom volunteer)

“You’re just awesome I admire you so much, your so great with the 4th graders.” C.C.

From: Samantha (4th grade student)

To: Amara (4th grade student)

“I like you because you serve people, and I like you.” Samantha

From: Amara (4th grade student)

To: Mrs. Mikki (4th grade classroom volunteer)

“Dear Mrs. Mikki, thank you for encouraging me to be a leader. God loves you, and I DO TOO!”