Wednesday, February 3, 2010

You've been STAMPED!

From: Carlos (5th grade student)

To: Jordan (2nd grade student)

“Dear Jordan you are such a great brother you always tell me funny jokes, Sincerely CJ.”

From: C.C. (Middle School volunteer in 4th grade classroom)

To: Mikki (4th grade classroom volunteer)

“You’re just awesome I admire you so much, your so great with the 4th graders.” C.C.

From: Samantha (4th grade student)

To: Amara (4th grade student)

“I like you because you serve people, and I like you.” Samantha

From: Amara (4th grade student)

To: Mrs. Mikki (4th grade classroom volunteer)

“Dear Mrs. Mikki, thank you for encouraging me to be a leader. God loves you, and I DO TOO!”

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