Friday, February 19, 2010

Love and Kindness

I am always so pleased to watch the 1st graders learn, partly because Mrs. Jami has a wonderful way of teaching and partly because of the understanding that seems to come from these little minds.

On Tuesday the 1st graders started class reading a book called “The best thing is love”, now the verse for the night was Matthew 5:47 and topic of the lesson was speaking of kindness and the book talked about loving others. Mrs. Jami does a wonderful job of using the books she reads to ask questions to get their minds thinking of the topic. Mrs. Jami asked the class “who might God want us to be kind to?” Grace raised her hand and said parents, Damien said our family, and Avery said everybody. Mrs. Jami also asked How can I be kind?

Avery- “Say thank you, and listen to the teacher.”

Nadier- “Helping people.”

Damien- “Respect mom and dad.”

The reading of the book and the questions all lead into the game they were going to play for the night. This game was a fun one and quite cute to watch! The point of the game was to put this statement into practice “when we love God we can show Him by being kind to everybody”, just like what Avery had said earlier. Mrs. Jami explained that there were 3 people (baby dolls) who needed some kindness shown to them and they were going to have to make the choice to help or walk on by. The first person fell down and was hurt, they could stop and put a band aid on her if they wanted to show kindness, the second person fell in a puddle of dirt and to help they had to pick her up and wipe her off, the third person looked different her face was covered with stickers and to help they would need to show kindness by saying a kind thing to her. Although hesitant at times (especially when it came to the baby doll sitting in applesauce) each 1st grader decided it was important to help the 3 people by showing them kindness. And let me tell you it was so sweet to watch.

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