Friday, February 12, 2010

Volunteer Efforts

Goal: Servant Leadership & Strengths Development
Children will know and understand their personal strengths.
Children will explore and use their strengths in a variety of contexts.
Students will actively demonstrate love and kindness through words and

If any of you know Miss Mercedez you know that she is very bubbly and fun to be around. Mercedez attends the Impact Leadership Academy on Sunday evenings and she also helps volunteer in the 3rd grade room on Tuesday’s at Bible Club. On Tuesday, I noticed that Mercedez was not looking like her usual upbeat self. I didn’t pay too much attention until later on that evening when I saw her again still looking like before. It just so happened that we walked out of the 3rd grade room together towards the fellowship hall and I asked her if she was doing ok. Mercedez told me that she had been sleeping prior to coming to Bible Club and she just really didn’t want to come. I looked at her and said but you are glad that you came now, right? She just looked at me and smiled.

Later on during worship Miss Bethany (worship leader) asked if she could have some help up in front to lead the actions to the songs they were about to sing. Without any hesitation Mercedez got right up in front and started dancing away with the other children. Even though I did not directly ask Mercedez, I could really tell she had overcome her own feelings of not wanting to be at Bible Club that night to serve others.

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