Friday, February 26, 2010

4th Grade Prayer

Upward, Inward and Outward prayer is something done frequently at Bible Club. I really enjoy hearing these young children pray out loud because not only does it build their confidence in praying in front of a group of people, it also teaches them about the realness of God. Hear what some of these precious 4th graders had to say to God.

Prayer is usually always started with upward prayer. The students may begin this with:

God I praise you because…

Michaela- “You are wise and our creator”

Oralia- “You are the King”

Linda- “You love me”

Next is Inward prayer, which starts like this:

God I am sorry for…….will you please forgive me.

Daddiz-“Yelling at my cousins and being rude”

Joshua-“Being mean to my brothers”

Oralia-“Not doing what I was told”

To finish things up, the students focus on Outward prayer. During this time, students pray for a prayer request they may have.

Madisyn-“Help my sister get through the rest of her life and get what she needs.”

GG-“Ask for prayer for the people in Haiti.”

Oralia- “Help my mom and her ankle heal up quick.”

That was just a little taste of what goes on during prayer time in the 4th grade room. To add another note to this, I really enjoy when the 4th grade class prays because they all come together in one big group to pray.

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